Minecraft Soft Toys
My eight-year-old son is an avid fan of Minecraft. He plays Minecraft on the computer, he owns Minecraft Lego, he plays imaginative Minecraft games, he writes Minecraft stories, he reads Minecraft books, he talks about Minecraft to anyone who will listen. He loves to build, imagine and experiment. Minecraft just enables him to do these things in a virtual world. One day in the last school holidays he asked me to teach him how to sew. Together we decided to make a simple soft toy inspired by Minecraft. The character decided on was a Minecraft Enderman. This character is all black with purple eyes and long limbs. The blocky nature of Minecraft makes the characters easier to make as everything is constructed from simple square shapes. The Minecraft Enderman was constructed using a series of fabric rectangles. I didn't measure anything, everything was just cut according to the size that my son thought was right. The eyes were joined together like a quilting block and attached into the...