
Showing posts from June, 2023

Kid's Cowboy Costume

School dress up day came again this last week. My son's class has been learning about the American pilgrims and decided to have a Thanksgiving feast and dress up day to celebrate. The costume requirement was simply American themed dress-up. With only a week or two to come up with something we decided on an American Cowboy.  Most of a Cowboy's clothes are ordinary things that are easy to find. We already had the red bandana in the kid's dress-up box, and some beige fabric in my stash for the waistcoat. The jeans, shirt, hat and belt I found in the op-shop for $9.  The shirt I found was a men's size medium, obviously too big for a 9 year old. Using a shirt that fit my son, I cut a new shirt out of the body of the men's shirt, keeping the collar and buttons intact. I then shortened the sleeves at the shoulder and reinserted them into the new shirt, keeping the cuffs intact. I also took in the jeans at the waist to fit better. To make the waistcoat I used a t-shirt to d...